Monday, July 25, 2011

A New Beginning

Today I turned 28 years old...and it's time for a new beginning...

This was my original blog. I started it thinking I would have all of this time and energy to write post after post about design trends I love. I quickly found that blogging really isn't as quick and easy as most think. Then it dawned on me...if I had a goal and some strict rules...with lots of practice I could become a real blogger. And that's when My 27th Year was invented. I knew if I forced myself to blog every day for a year, then blogging would become second nature and I could do it with ease.

Turns out it still isn't as easy as expected, but in the end I did get pretty good at saving a little time each day to do it (Steve might disagree with that statement!). Anyway, now I'm back. I have returned to reclaim this blog as an everything blog. I'm not going to promise a post a day this time but I will try my best to publish a couple post a week. And what will I be posting you ask??? Little bits of everything (hence the title Summer Excerpts). It will be about my family, my job, what I wish I was doing, things that inspire me, and anything in between. So here's to starting a new year and a new blog. See ya soon!!!

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